Welcome to UPLIFT!

Universal Peace & Love Illuminating Frequency Transition

UPLIFT is a global Love in Action community in service of a Higher Consciousness Humanity. 

We are committed to Uplifting Humanity and Mother Earth
by infusing the collective consciousness with love, peace, joy, light, compassion,
and more positive, high-frequency vibrations by
activating our Inner Resources.

This website is a place for you to find support in embodying your highest potential as a being of infinite love and light,
activating your Inner Resources, raising your frequency, deepening in love, immersing yourself in peace,
and deepening into your own authenticity and wholeness.

The UPLIFT Foundation supports and empowers
heartfelt and impactful Love in Action projects around the world.

We have the power to UPLIFT ourselves, each other, and our world, right now!


Activate your Inner Resources,
Make Peace with Difficult Feelings,
and Deepen in Love.


We support vetted and heart-centered projects that are dedicated to
Love in Action.


An epic collection of over 12 years of UPLIFT articles, classes, film, music, poetry, practices, & stories.

There Are Many Ways To Give And To Receive

Take 5 Deep Breaths

Pause and take 5 deep breaths to honor yourself and impact the world.

Financial Contribution

100% of your contributions go towards supporting our Love in Action projects.

Send A Blessing

Send a message of love through our blessing wall.

Take 5 Deep Breaths

Pause and take 5 deep breaths to honor yourself and impact the world.

Financial Contribution

100% of your contributions go towards supporting our Love in Action projects.

Send a Blessing

Send a message of love through our blessing wall.

"Prayer in action is love, love in action is service."
- Mother Teresa
“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
- Mother Teresa
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
- Mother Teresa
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The UPLIFTer Newsletter

Your privacy is guaranteed – we do not share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time. This is extremely important to us.

Join our Community

Join our Global Love In Action Community of inspired people UPLIFTing ourselves, each other, and the world.

Take a look at recent stories of love in action

Curiosity arises out of not knowing.

Curiosity is our natural ability to look at things with fresh eyes.
Forgoing opinions, previous ideas, or expectations,
approaching all with the wonder and innocence of a child.
Being curious brings us into a natural, open, and vast space of freedom
to explore:

“What is this?”
“What am I experiencing?”
“What am I feeling?”

4. Bring more awareness to what you are feeling. Focus on your felt experience and the qualities of the Inner Resource as you embody it. Resist the habit to analyze. Simply feel your body and emotions. 

5. Be open to your current experience, whatever it is, without judgment. Just ride the wave of the experience.

6. Remember that the quality of your attention and what you are feeling are more important than the content. Notice how your attention changes, waxing and waning, growing stronger, and sometimes getting distracted. No worries, simply bring your awareness back to the moment, take a deep breath, and focus on the Inner Resource.

7. Become familiar with the feelings and sensations of the Inner Resource you have chosen. Feel what is showing up in your physical body and your emotional body. Be curious to discover how this Inner Resource will support you in your life, to be who you really want to be, and feel how you really want to feel. It is through feeling the Inner Resource that you activate the frequency of it. 

Take 5 Deep Breaths

1. Feel your body.

2. Relax your shoulders.

3. Choose a word that makes you feel peaceful, such as om, peace, or love.

4. Inhale slowly while mentally saying the word you chose. Pause before starting the exhalation.

5. Exhale slowly while mentally saying 1 with the first breath. Exhale saying 2 with the second breath, up to 5 or more.

Feel Your Body

Relax your body, and just be aware of how your body feels. Without changing anything, notice what you are feeling, and where you are feeling things in your body. Resist analyzing or explaining anything to yourself, just notice what you feel. If your body wants to adjust a little, let it. 

Notice the texture and color of what you are feeling and where you are feeling it. Note the quality of what you are feeling; it might be tingly or sharp, squeezing or rippling, or anything else. Be curious about what is happening in your body.

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Your privacy is guaranteed – we do not share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time. This is extremely important to us.