I Pledge Allegiance to the Universal Mother

BY Paul C Pritchard
The Pillars Crumble — Then the Phoenix

As people think and work together, a fabric of shared meaning comes into being. ― Harrison Owen,

Happily, as always with the human spirit, when there is a demise, there is simultaneously an alive emergence of the new — a continual process of rebirth. This is so apparent in these turbulent times as the new paradigm whispers itself into manifestation. I’ve loved this expression ever since I first heard it — Necessity is the mother of invention. I love the implicit hope that it conveys: when all else fails and the great necessity ascends, a feminine quality simultaneously arises, a mother force, a female liberator to birth invention.  Invention then meanders into the many expressions of the feminine and masculine energies. Invention will prevail — it always has, it has a good strong mother to nurture and guide it.

Much of the rhetoric today is separatist and does not inspire me. In truth, it hurts me. Peace will never be achieved with opposing viewpoints juxtaposed with extreme compromise. A veneer of peace can gloss its way in for a little while until the woodworms finally reveal their subversive damage.

Up until now, leaders and government have played a futile game of swapping out pillar after pillar in the hope of maintaining the status quo — in the hope that the sky won’t come tumbling down. Swapping out one pillar of hardwood for another pillar of brick or another pillar of steel or even a pillar of eco-bamboo will not bring about lasting change or sustainable harmony. This is the way of the old world. This old world is crumbling. We are coming to terms with how we reengineer the architecture: how we reimagine the collective design of how we all live together on planet Earth.

Rebuilding Our Future

As the pillars finally give way, everything feels on the cusp of collapse. But what we have held up for centuries needs to be consciously dismantled. If we are going to mindfully collaborate and bring forth a new vision based on the eternal pillars of Unity, Peace and Love in the Field of Transcendence, we must be honouring of the transition process. We must be patient and tolerant. As we move into emergence, we must work with what is  We must be kind to our outdated systems as we bring in fresher, better and more loving ways to co-exist, co-support, co-nurture all life on Earth. We need the lifeblood of kindness as we are in the fever of burning up what no longer serves us.

If the entire world sought to make itself worthy of happiness rather than make itself happy, then the entire world would be happy. ― Criss Jami

Right now, invention needs to literally rock our foundations and blow the roof off. Not with the force of violence but with the fierce force of a mother’s love. With the fervent force of creation, possibility and outrageous enthusiasm. Women and female elders are being spoken about with a reverence that I have not heard before. With a grounded sense of hope. With a natural and purposeful knowing that the ancient matriarchal ways for governance are needed right now. They are needed to permeate and weave their embodied wisdom and mystical intuition into this modern world, this digital age, this contemporary field. No one can yet know the texture or aesthetic of this weave, no one can yet know the design — but we can trust that a pioneering wave of just and kind governance is majestically arriving.

It’s the energy of the weave that is shaping the tapestry. We must let go of any ideas of what it ‘must’ look like. Any old reference or comparison seals us within the rhetoric and perpetuation of the outmoded paradigm. But how do we trust in the emergence and expect something entirely new? Sometimes it feels like imagining the edge of the universe; imagining what is beyond the ‘edge’ of space.

I pledge my trust in the mother of invention. I place my allegiance in her wisdom and guidance. I commit to listen and be present when she speaks. I accept her vision and I accept the whole picture that she presents right now. I will take her advice to forgive and move on, without negating the possible deep healing processes that I may need. I accept imperfections and optimism. I know my faith is not blind because it is bolstered by the miracles I see and experience all around me. I accept that I don’t need to know what is beyond space and what it looks like. I promise to dance and sing with gratitude and grace every day. I promise to tenderly cultivate awe in the reflection of this divine unknown. I choose to believe I am looking into the white fire of a great mystery. I believe the imperfections are nothing — that the light is everything. Yes, I do!

Alt text hereI believe I am looking into the white fire of a great mystery. Image: Shovon Das

The Ponds by Mary Oliver

Every year

the lilies

are so perfect

I can hardly believe

their lapped light crowding

the black,

mid-summer ponds.

Nobody could count all of them —

the muskrats swimming

among the pads and the grasses

can reach out

their muscular arms and touch

only so many, they are that

rife and wild.

But what in this world

is perfect?

I bend closer and see

how this one is clearly lopsided —

and that one wears an orange blight —

and this one is a glossy cheek

half nibbled away —

and that one is a slumped purse

full of its own

unstoppable decay.

Still, what I want in my life

is to be willing

to be dazzled —

to cast aside the weight of facts

and maybe even

to float a little

above this difficult world.

I want to believe I am looking

into the white fire of a great mystery.

I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing —

that the light is everything — that it is more than the sum

of each flawed blossom rising and fading. And I do.



Will you join in this wild unpredictable dance? Will you dance with us as we celebrate the Universal Mother? Will you promise to do your best? Will you share your inspirations born from reading this piece of writing and this exquisite poem by Mary Oliver? Will you meet us always in the field of Unity, Peace and Love in the Field of Transcendence? And on those occasions when you cannot meet us will you promise to remember that we are always there … waiting for you. 

We love you …

Paul and Team UPLIFT

BY Paul C Pritchard



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David smith
4 years ago

Love & peace to all, thank you.

Namaste ☮ ☯ ❤

4 years ago

Blessing to you Paul and your team, your words speak what my heart knows, long may you continue to inspire, uplift and be the change we feel.

4 years ago

I read so many wonderful words on this website, so many beautiful ideas, and they comfort me, knowing that other people are out there who feel as I do. How I wish I was able to connect with such like minded people in the real day to day of my life, as well as you guys on a screen. I know only one person who cares in this same spiritual way and he lives far away. It can be hard to keep the faith when no one around you seems to share the same way of thinking and the rhetoric and other behaviours feel overwhelming. Peace, health and love to you. Thank you.

Gail Ouimet
4 years ago

The words I have been waiting to hear!
I will reprint and post them, so I can renew my hope when it slackens.
I commit to being one of the ones we have been waiting for- to
engage with the Divine Feminine, the Mother energy that can transform
divisiveness, violence, greed and hate into peace and love.

4 years ago

“If the entire world sought to make itself worthy of happiness rather than make itself happy, then the entire world would be happy”: that’s something I will remember and share. We are many who have been feeling “We Are The Ones we have been waiting for” to offer our Spirit, Heart, and hands to the Universal Mother. Gratitude and Blessings for this extraordinary article.

Mrs Fiona Bailey
4 years ago

This filled me with joy and love and hope and peace. A deep quietness seemed to wrap around me as I read this article and, in particular, Mary Oliver’s poem. Thank you

Seana Sunshine
4 years ago

Yes…Thank You! 🙂

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

Curiosity arises out of not knowing.

Curiosity is our natural ability to look at things with fresh eyes.
Forgoing opinions, previous ideas, or expectations,
approaching all with the wonder and innocence of a child.
Being curious brings us into a natural, open, and vast space of freedom
to explore:

“What is this?”
“What am I experiencing?”
“What am I feeling?”

4. Bring more awareness to what you are feeling. Focus on your felt experience and the qualities of the Inner Resource as you embody it. Resist the habit to analyze. Simply feel your body and emotions. 

5. Be open to your current experience, whatever it is, without judgment. Just ride the wave of the experience.

6. Remember that the quality of your attention and what you are feeling are more important than the content. Notice how your attention changes, waxing and waning, growing stronger, and sometimes getting distracted. No worries, simply bring your awareness back to the moment, take a deep breath, and focus on the Inner Resource.

7. Become familiar with the feelings and sensations of the Inner Resource you have chosen. Feel what is showing up in your physical body and your emotional body. Be curious to discover how this Inner Resource will support you in your life, to be who you really want to be, and feel how you really want to feel. It is through feeling the Inner Resource that you activate the frequency of it. 

Take 5 Deep Breaths

1. Feel your body.

2. Relax your shoulders.

3. Choose a word that makes you feel peaceful, such as om, peace, or love.

4. Inhale slowly while mentally saying the word you chose. Pause before starting the exhalation.

5. Exhale slowly while mentally saying 1 with the first breath. Exhale saying 2 with the second breath, up to 5 or more.

Feel Your Body

Relax your body, and just be aware of how your body feels. Without changing anything, notice what you are feeling, and where you are feeling things in your body. Resist analyzing or explaining anything to yourself, just notice what you feel. If your body wants to adjust a little, let it. 

Notice the texture and color of what you are feeling and where you are feeling it. Note the quality of what you are feeling; it might be tingly or sharp, squeezing or rippling, or anything else. Be curious about what is happening in your body.

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