Celebrating Hope in Pictures


In this age of the rapidly evolving 24 news cycle and the endless noise of social media, stories reflecting love, transformation & renewal often go unnoticed.  Here we share a collection of images & stories that showcase sparks of hope and optimism in our rich and vibrant world.

As we wrapped up the first twenty years of the century, the Save the Children charity announced that we have made massive progress in caring for the wellbeing of our next generation. An astonishing 130 million more children are now in school!  That has also meant that over 94 million fewer kids are working as child labours.
Over the past few decades, extreme poverty has been decreasing with each year, and as we start 2020 we have learnt that it has dropped worldwide by 1.5 billion people in just over 25 years.
In this time, India alone has halved its poverty rate. Also in India, 90 million toilets have been built in the past 5 years, with 93% of households now having access to safer sanitation.
Humanity is also making great leaps in addressing the gender balance, for example in China and nineteen African countries, there is now an equal amount of both genders in schools, while 11 million girls were spared from forced or early marriages. 
In the past decade, tolerance towards LGBTQIA+ people has risen in almost every region of the world. Last year, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage and Northern Ireland has also joined the many other countries that have accepted love is love. 
In Saudi Arabia, a country known for its strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia laws, women finally received the ability to travel overseas without the permission of a male guardian, congregate in the same places as men, and other basic human rights.
Notwithstanding rapid deforesting across much of the world, in the past decade, France’s forest areas have increased by 7%, while Costa Rica has doubled its forest cover in the last 30 years, and China has taken the lead by planting 35 billion trees since 1990. Impressively, last year in just 12 hours, Ethiopians planted 353 million trees!.
India and Pakistan have opened a peace corridor, allowing Sikhs to visit one of their holy sites for the first time in over 70 years.
Three of the top economies in the world (the U.S., U.K., and Germany), at various times in the year, showed that they could generate more electricity from wind, sun, water (and biomass for some) than coal.

~What are your favourite good news stories so far in 2020? We’d love, as always, to hear from you in the comments below. Let your optimism SHINE!

With Love, Inspiration, and Gratitude,





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kamir bouchareb st
4 years ago

nice topic

Olga Hurley
4 years ago

Awesome article! – So so good to see the light shining on what we are doing right. Hope is one of our most powerful (and needed) tools for us all – thank you UPLIFT

4 years ago

Thanks for the hope in pictures. We need to hear about these success stories to get a balanced mental diet and lift our spirits.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

Curiosity arises out of not knowing.

Curiosity is our natural ability to look at things with fresh eyes.
Forgoing opinions, previous ideas, or expectations,
approaching all with the wonder and innocence of a child.
Being curious brings us into a natural, open, and vast space of freedom
to explore:

“What is this?”
“What am I experiencing?”
“What am I feeling?”

4. Bring more awareness to what you are feeling. Focus on your felt experience and the qualities of the Inner Resource as you embody it. Resist the habit to analyze. Simply feel your body and emotions. 

5. Be open to your current experience, whatever it is, without judgment. Just ride the wave of the experience.

6. Remember that the quality of your attention and what you are feeling are more important than the content. Notice how your attention changes, waxing and waning, growing stronger, and sometimes getting distracted. No worries, simply bring your awareness back to the moment, take a deep breath, and focus on the Inner Resource.

7. Become familiar with the feelings and sensations of the Inner Resource you have chosen. Feel what is showing up in your physical body and your emotional body. Be curious to discover how this Inner Resource will support you in your life, to be who you really want to be, and feel how you really want to feel. It is through feeling the Inner Resource that you activate the frequency of it. 

Take 5 Deep Breaths

1. Feel your body.

2. Relax your shoulders.

3. Choose a word that makes you feel peaceful, such as om, peace, or love.

4. Inhale slowly while mentally saying the word you chose. Pause before starting the exhalation.

5. Exhale slowly while mentally saying 1 with the first breath. Exhale saying 2 with the second breath, up to 5 or more.

Feel Your Body

Relax your body, and just be aware of how your body feels. Without changing anything, notice what you are feeling, and where you are feeling things in your body. Resist analyzing or explaining anything to yourself, just notice what you feel. If your body wants to adjust a little, let it. 

Notice the texture and color of what you are feeling and where you are feeling it. Note the quality of what you are feeling; it might be tingly or sharp, squeezing or rippling, or anything else. Be curious about what is happening in your body.

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